A heart of gold

My boy displayed some very mature qualities today…. when the Go Compare ad came on I said to him “Look Neil it’s the man you don’t like”. He promptly replied “I like the man Mama, I just don’t like his voice” Can’t begin to describe the pride I felt at that point knowing this 4 year old has a heart of gold πŸ™‚

Ben 10 trivia

Revelling in the feeling of being the hero of the moment in my son’s eyes when I correctly identified one of Ben 10s ultimate aliens….. how long will it last I wonder….. πŸ˜‰

The simple things

Getting back from nursery Neil wolfed down the vanilla icecream milkshake, munched away noisily on his strawberries and then sat back on his chair, let out a satisfied sigh and said “That was delicious”…. the simple little things that make a mum’s heart sing πŸ™‚